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李 震 研究员 人畜共患病和动物生物技术

来源:人事处 作者: 发布时间:2006-07-03 00:00:00 浏览次数: 【字体:



李震,博士,研究员。1985年山东农业大学畜牧专业毕业获学士学位,1988年南京农业大学生理生化专业研究生毕业获硕士学位;1997年中国农业大学动物繁殖专业研究生毕业获博士学位。2004年8月至2005年1月荷兰乌得勒支大学兽医-太阳集团城网2018进修(国家留学基金委资助)。2010年1月至2011年1月荷兰乌德勒支大学合作研究 (上海市国际合作项目资助)。 上海市畜牧兽医学会常务理事兼兽医公共卫生学分会理事长、上海市微生物学会理事、中国畜牧兽医学会兽医公共卫生学分会常务理事、中国畜牧兽医学会生物技术分会理事; 2009年始创办“上海兽医科技发展论坛及兽医公共卫生论坛”。《微生物学通报》常务编委,《中国农业科学》和《生物工程学报》编委。兼职东华大学、南京农业大学及安徽农业大学等高校兼职研究生导师,培养硕博士研究生50余名。目前主要从事猪流行性腹泻病毒(PEDV)、猪戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)、小反刍兽疫(PPRV)等动物传染病病原的致病机理以及免疫防控的研究工作。曾获国家自然科学基金(面上)、科技部政府间国际合作项目、上海浦江人才计划等项目资助。已在JVI、Viruses、J Proteomic等国内外学术期刊发表研究论文130余篇;获得6项技术发明或实用新型专利。

近年发表主要论文(*为通讯作者):Shijuan Dong, Ruiyang Wang, Ruisong Yu, Bingqing Chen, Fusheng Si, Chunfang Xie and Zhen Li*. Identification of cellular proteins interacting with PEDV M protein through APEX2 labeling. Journal of Proteomics. 240(2021)104191

Si F., Chen B.,Hu X., Yu R., Dong S.,Wang R., Li Z*.Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV) ORF3 Protein Is Transported Through the Exocytic Pathway. J Virol.  2020 Jun 17; Vol94 (17)

Wang R.Yu R,Chen B,Si F, Wang J, Xie C.,Men C. Dong S.J*. Li Z*. Identification of host cell proteins that interact with the M protein of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus, 2020, May21, Vet Micro. 246,108729. 

Si F.,Hu X., Wang C., Chen B., Wang R., Dong S., Yu R., Li Z*., 2020(Feb14). Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV) ORF3 Enhances Viral Proliferation by Inhibiting Apoptosis of Infected Cells. Viruses, 12(2), 214

Ruisong Yu, Rui Zhu, Weixiang Gao, Ming Zhang, Shijuan Dong, Bingqing Chen, Li Yu, Chunfang Xie, Fengying Jiang, Zhen Li*, 2017. Fine mapping and conservation analysis of linear B-cell epitopes of peste des petits ruminants virus hemagglutinin protein. Veterinary Microbiology. 208. 110-117

Ruisong Yu, Xiaoming Fan, Wentao Li, Shijuan Dong, Yumin Zhu, Yaping He, Haiping Tang, Rong Du*, Zhen li*,2015. Fine mapping and conservation analysis of linear B-cell epitopes of peste des petits ruminants virus nucleoprotein. Veterinary Microbiology. 175,132-138.

Yu-min Zhu, Zong-qing Zhou, Yu Huang, Rui-song Yu, Shi-Juan Dong, Yuan-shu Zhang, Zhen Li*, 2014(Dec), Identification of a recombinant Muscovy Duck parvovirus (MDPV) in Shanghai, China. Veterinary Microbiology,174:560-564.

Si Fusheng, Zhu Yumin, Dong Shijuan, Yu Ruisong, Li Zhen*. 2014. Construction of an infectious cDNA clone of a swine genotype 3 HEV strain isolated in Shanghai, China. Intervirology. 57(2)55-126

Yumin Zhu, Xiaoming Yu, Yuanshu Zhang,Yanyan Ni, Fusheng Si, Ruisong Yu, Shijuan Dong, Yaowei Huang, Zhen Li *,2013 (Oct). Infectivity of a genotype 4 hepatitis E virus cDNA clone by intrahepatic inoculation of laboratory rats,Veterinary Microbiology. 166,405-411

Chunhua Li, Zhen Li(共1), Yong Zou(共1), Oliver Wicht, Peter J.M. Rottier and Berend Jan Bosch*,2013 (Aug). Manipulation of the porcine epidemic diarrhea virus genome using targeted RNA recombination. PLOS ONE, .8 (8), 1-9

Guo-rui Zhang, Rui-song Yu, Jiang-yong Zeng, Yu-min Zhu, Shi-juan Dong, Se Zhu, Luobu Dunzhu,Ciren Duoji, Zhi-hai Lei, Zhen Li*,2013. Development of an epitope-based competitive-ELISA for the detection of antibodies against Tibetan peste des petits ruminant virus. Intervirology.56:55-59.

Yumin Zhu, Xiaoming Yu, Fenfen Huang, Ruisong Yu, Shijuan Dong, Fusheng Si, Yuanshu Zhang, Zhen Li*, 2012. Determination of the Full-genome sequence of hepatitis E virus (HEV) SAAS-FX17 and use as a reference to identify putative HEV genotype 4 virulence determinants. Virology Journal. 9:264.

Shijuan Dong, Yanbo Yin, Shiyuan Shen, Yanyan Guo, Minjie Gao, Wanhua Zhang, Yumin Zhu, Ruisong Yu, Zhongping Shi, Zhen Li*, 2012. Inhibitory effects of recombinant porcine interferon-α on low and high virulent porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome viruses. Research in Veterinary Science .93. 1060-1065.



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